Monday, November 29th, 2004
Yesterday was the final day of the conference. We took off in the morning, stopping for a few sights before reaching Ankara in the evening. It’s been a good time, although somewhat funny.
The conference was interesting. Not because of the content, because I couldn’t understand anything! My dad presented in English, the rest was Turkish. But I met a lot of nice people and made some good friendships.

I made a nice friend at the conference: Hatice (Ha-tee-jay), a 25 year old English instructor at the Erciyes University technical school in Nevşehir. She was a very friendly person and we had a lot of good talks over the weekend. It’s a shame that distance is such an obstacle, as I would love to continue speaking with her. But that’s life I suppose!
Today we went to Çankiri and toured the technical school there. Old hat for me really, although it was good for my dad to see where I have spent some time.

Tomorrow my dad and Tony depart, which will be sad I’m sure. I might get my first real bout of homesickness as a result. But it’s been such a nice time that I can’t really complain too much. It’s been wonderful for my dad to be here and see the life I’ve been living.
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