Sunday, January 2nd, 2005
Well, I’m a large failure as far as updating is concerned. So, I’ll give a little paragraph here and then just show you some photos. New Year’s was cool, we ate a great curry dinner at Martin’s house, a friend from the village. We played a quiz game, then went off to the Red Lion. I drank a lot and swore a lot and generally had a very good time.
Then on Sunday, I went with Stuart and his friend Matt and did some serious hiking up rather large hills along the coast. It was simply gorgeous. I’ll let the photos speak for themselves.
Now I’m in Switzerland, having arrived on the third. I’m staying with my friends Andi and Anja. Andi is from south London and I met him during my year in London. Anja is a Swiss girl who worked at the same place we did. They got married in May of 2001 and have been living in Switzerland ever since. I’ll give you some more updates on what we’re doing here soon.
Anyway, here are some photos from our big hike. Enjoy!

Hey Simon
I was just looking at the picture with the dog... It looks like your four legged friend is witnessing a French-style-done-at-sea nuclear test...
absolutely correct - you have stumbled upon one of the best kept secrets on the south coast! the french have been conducting massive nuclear tests off Bournemouth for decades.
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