
Tuesday, November 2nd, 2004

Well, sorry about the lull in updates. I have a good reason though: I’m sick. It happened over the weekend. It’s a cold. My snot isn’t runny but my head seems to be filled with it. My ears pop and hurt and I’m thirsty and my throat is scratchy. I want my mom. Anyway, I’m drinking a lot of tea and water and just trying to deal with it. At least the weather is warm!

I started Turkish language classes on Monday. It’s great. And by great I mean that it’s really hard and makes me feel silly. There are a lot of students in my class, from Ethiopia, Djibouti (or something like that), Poland, Chechnya, Palestine, Syria, and many more places. Everyone knows English. The guys from Djibouti know like five languages: their native language, Ethiopian, Arabic, French and English. And know they’re learning Turkish. Wow. We are mostly learning the alphabet and pronunciation right now, and have practiced some dialogs on how to introduce yourself to other people. We’ll move into the grammar stuff soon.

What else? I don’t know really. I’m tired and cranky. I’m going to go out with a guy from work today, so hopefully that will raise my spirits. I’ll try to come up with some interesting stuff soon. I’ve actually got some stuff, just not the energy to relay it to you.


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