
Under Bush, a New Age of Prepackaged TV News

Under Bush, a New Age of Prepackaged TV News is an article that came out in the New York Times yesterday, exposing the greater public to the propoganda our goverment has been subjecting us to (and paid for with our tax dollars) through staged news segments aired on many television networks across the country. It's a fascinating read and worth registering that the NYTimes website in order to check out.

If you really can't be bothered (shame on you), at least read Not Necessarily the News, a transcript of an interview about the article.

I can't wait to come home to all of this.


At 12:51 PM, Blogger Elise said...

Hey there hey there. I tried to post yesterday, on your birthday, but to no avail. So here I am wishing you the best from far, far away. I'm going to Europe this week to visit Tim, so if you want to come up to Paris....well, maybe we could have a beer or something. Heh.
You know I remembered your birthday--I always do. Hope all is well. And, just so you know, I often read your blog while I'm "working."

At 2:59 PM, Blogger Rachel said...

Hey poopface. I don't think that's very fair. I sent you a birthday email, yet I got no recognition in your blog. I even put a huge announcement about your birthday in my xanga. Wow, shows how much you care about ME. Humph. Oh well, I'm just the little one who is always ignored. Peace out.

At 3:22 AM, Blogger simonjh said...


Hannah, I still think mainstream media sucks. But it doesn't mean I don't look at it sometimes. Actually, I found that story through a blog that I look at sometimes. I rarely go browse the NYT.

Hi Elise! Nice to hear from you. I wish I could come to Paris but it's just not going to happen. I hope you eat some tasty food, drink some tasty drinks and enjoy your time spent with the brother. It'll be lovely to see him face to face, I'm sure. And yes, I have no doubt that you remembered my birthday. I'm very envious of that memory of yours! ;-)

Rachel... please see my post above. And... I'm sorry!!!


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