
Saturday, March 19th, 2005

Today finds me back in Ankara, after five weeks in the sunny cit of İskenderun. It had to happen, but I’m still sad about it.

Anyway, I’m tired so I won’t write much. The bus ride was fine… long, but fine. However, I did have the best döner I’ve ever had in my life at some roadside café… I’m not sure if it was because I was hungry, or because of the durum style, (like a wrap, but with thick bread), but I scarfed it down with unbridled joy! I would have had another, but it was so filling and tasty, I decided that a second would only lead to regrets.

Good grief, what am I talking about. Anyway, on Sunday I’m going to a football match with my friend Mehmet, so I’ll report back. Now it’s off to bed!

Oh wait, before I do… my travel plans have changed. I found a great priced ticket, to I’m leaving İstanbul on the 30th and heading to Chicago, where my life-long neighbor and friend Shawn will be waiting for me. What a great way to come back home… greeted by a good friend.

So yes, my days here are really numbered. The countdown begins…


At 8:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Make sure you take all the pictures you need and PLEASE be sure that you write all of your observations down for history amd memories sake.

Bring home things that are special and meaningful to you.

Sad, you are leaving there, but looking forward to your retrospective.
That is gonna be a good writing.

Safe trip home.


At 10:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Simon,

Greetings from sunny London! Today was gorgeous. Heather, Hannah & I attended the Good Friday Matins service at St. Paul's. It was simply beautiful. The Missereri (Allegri) was breath taking.

Can't wait to see you next week! I'm working on Wednesday but should be home when Shawn delivers you. (Good 'ole Shawn!) Love you bunches, Mom


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